
In medieval total war 1 how long can incest happen
In medieval total war 1 how long can incest happen

in medieval total war 1 how long can incest happen

This book should be translated into all languages of the world, due to the fact that the Demon of the Abyss - Abaddon-Jehovah (author of Judaism) had a negative impact on the formation of consciousness of all people of the Planet. (Catherine of Alexandria is Ray of the Mother of the World) “Wish Glory I tGreat Maitreya, so that Name His all World was conquered!”. Among all Divine Incarnations, the Great Maitreya is the First and the Elder! of the Supreme, the Father of the Universe, the Founder and Creator.


Krishna, Christ and Maitreya is the full manifestation of the One Ray. Who dismembered the USSR? Who insults the Slavs with the word "cattle," who stirs up anti-Semitism and national strife? Devil Jehovah! Rerich and Lenin – is carriers of Light winning darkness! Who gave credits to Hitler on the introduction of fascism in Germany and the World War II? Who entered the body of Hitler with interruptions in time? Who organized the execution of the US Communists: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? Who are poisoned Stalin and killed Beria? Why Khrushchev alone handed Crimea to Ukraine and under whose influence? And way the USSR became a winner restored the destroyed cities and villages, factories and factories, restored industry and agriculture, and became the brightest and most powerful power. Who in the USSR conducted repressions, and for what purpose, who built the Gulag, who famous and talented commanders, scientists, outstanding members of the government and the Communist Party sent to the Solovki and Kalyma stage, to the construction of the White Sea Canal, who wrote the script of the World War II with concentration camps and gas chambers. The reader will know: who poisoned Lenin. Using the books indicated in the list, the texts will be supplemented with absolutely accurate data obtained from the High Source. To open is the reasons of suicide of A.A. Vavilov and murder the Chairman of Revolutionary Military Council M.V. To reveal the secrets and reasons for the murder of the Great Russian scientists with a world-wide name: Academician-psychiatrist V.M. The task and purpose of this book is to provide information on the causes and objectives of the World War II: to expose the devil to Jehovah and to rehabilitate Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria. Reasons are and purposes of World War II.

In medieval total war 1 how long can incest happen